happy 13th birthday najwa & facts about najwa.
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Assalamualaikum and hai. This entry would be the short one maybe cuz I've no idea. hehe and I just wanna say bye April and hello May. Dear May, you're the greatest month.
I hope May will be better than April. Okay, to my bestfriend, Najwa Alia Bt Abdullah, Happy 13th Birthday. Have a great times with your family. Live your life with the fullest, forget about your past and don't worry about the future. Say all is well and enjoy every moment in life. Be patient, Najwa. Saya tau awak banyak "fans" kat sekolah. Pebenci pun ada. Biarkan je "pebenci" cakap apa. Ejek awak "mata empat" ke "zomba" ke. Tapi awak tetap cantik dimata semua orang.


Facts about Najwa

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